Version[version] CategoriesFact Sheet, Soil and Groundwater Download556 Size126.26 KB Create DateFebruary 4, 2014 Last UpdatedFebruary 4, 2014 Play List Download An integrated surface/subsurface flow and transport model has been developed to analyze the mercury (Hg) cycle in the environment and provide forecasting capabilities for the flow and transport of Hg in UEFPC. Daily fluctuations in stream flow due to scattered rainfall, flooding, and flow augmentation resuspend contaminated streambed sediments, and…
">Version | [version] |
Categories | Fact Sheet, Soil and Groundwater |
Download | 556 |
Size | 126.26 KB |
Create Date | February 4, 2014 |
Last Updated | February 4, 2014 |
An integrated surface/subsurface flow and transport model has been developed to analyze the mercury (Hg) cycle in the environment and provide forecasting capabilities for the flow and transport of Hg in UEFPC. Daily fluctuations in stream flow due to scattered rainfall, flooding, and flow augmentation resuspend contaminated streambed sediments, and provide a major source of mercury (>90%) to the creek. Sediment transport and interactions between sediment particles, mercury species and water are key factors responsible for mercury mobilization and transport in the creek. A sedimentation module for the section of EFPC upstream of Station 17 was therefore incorporated into the UEFPC model for better representation of real field conditions, and has since been extended to include the entire EFPC and Bear Creek. This research has provided stochastic modeling of the system and includes analysis of spatial and temporal patterns as a result of stochastic variations of selected properties. The model was constructed and calibrated using an extensive collection of historical records (i.e., hydrological data and mercury concentration measurements in groundwater, soil and sediment) obtained from the Oak Ridge Environmental Information System (OREIS) database.