Version[version] CategoriesFact Sheet, Soil and Groundwater Download533 Size61.39 KB Create DateFebruary 4, 2014 Last UpdatedFebruary 4, 2014 Play List Download The numerical model of the EFPC developed by FIU-ARC simulates fate and transport of mercury and VOC plumes within the EFPC watershed, and assists in analyzing the TMDL requirements for surface water and groundwater within the EFPC watershed. This task in particular focused on (1) the development of a TMDL…


TMDL Analysis of East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC), Oak Ridge, TN

Size61.39 KB
Create DateFebruary 4, 2014
Last UpdatedFebruary 4, 2014
Play List

The numerical model of the EFPC developed by FIU-ARC simulates fate and transport of mercury and VOC plumes within the EFPC watershed, and assists in analyzing the TMDL requirements for surface water and groundwater within the EFPC watershed.
This task in particular focused on (1) the development of a TMDL methodology for analysis of flow and load duration exceedance probabilities for key monitoring stations along Bear Creek and the EFPC from numerical simulations and observed data; and (2) the analysis of the relative contribution of point and non-point sources to mercury pollution in the watershed including the contributions from the floodplain of the two watershed creeks (EFPC and Bear Creek), the remobilization of stream sediments during stormwater events, the groundwater exchange with the creeks, and the transport within the creeks.

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