“By-products and other abundant materials:
Useful decontamination tools
by Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, PhD
January 29, 2015 | 3:00 PM | FIU Engineering Campus | Room 2300
Considerable research efforts in the fields of environmental remediation and water treatment focus on combining two key elements: delivery of efficient techniques and cost-effectiveness. The exploitation of materials that are abundant and easily accessible, as well as other low commercial value, agro-industrial by-products may offer a solution to those needs. The use of lignocellulosic materials with different physico-chemical properties for the pre-concentration of radionuclides from aquatic phase, as well as their use to treat heavy metal loaded wastewater are going to be presented.
Dr. Vasileios Anagnostopoulos is currently with the Applied Research Center at Florida International University, working on projects supporting U.S Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management for the deployment of effective solutions in soil and water remediation. He holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Analysis and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Radiochemistry. His research focuses on the mechanisms that determine the fate and transport of contaminants in soil and aquatic systems, through interaction with natural substrates and biota, as well as speciation modelling, for reasons related to aquatic pollution abatement and soil remediation. Moreover, he has experience in wastewater treatment of heavy metal bearing streams, making use of cost-effective, environmental friendly absorption and biosorption techniques. He has also participated in radionuclide monitoring projects in soil, surface and underground waters organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and other European national agencies. Dr. Anagnostopoulos has guided both undergraduate and graduate students on applied research projects and has provided mentorship in scientific writing. He has past work experience in different European research facilities and academic institutions through different programs.
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