The FIU-ARC robotics team is proud to share the news its Lateral Gamma Scanner deployment was featured in the Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) FY2022 Accomplishments. Thanks to all involved in the DOE Fellow Josue Estrada‘s deployment at Hanford. Special thanks to the relentless contribution of Mackenson Telusma, Sebastian Story, and Jeff Natividad. Also, thanks to Gabriel, Abdiel, Shawn, and the newly hired Theo and David. We also thank Claudia and…


FIU-ARC Lateral Gamma Scanner featured at WRP FY2022 Accomplishments

The FIU-ARC robotics team is proud to share the news its Lateral Gamma Scanner deployment was featured in the Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) FY2022 Accomplishments.

Thanks to all involved in the DOE Fellow Josue Estrada‘s deployment at Hanford. Special thanks to the relentless contribution of Mackenson Telusma, Sebastian Story, and Jeff Natividad. Also, thanks to Gabriel, Abdiel, Shawn, and the newly hired Theo and David. We also thank Claudia and Margoth who were instrumental in making this deployment a success.

This summer, Josue is back at Hanford for the crawler’s final cold test facility demonstration, and discussions about a potential “hot” deployment at Hanford’s Tank Farms have already started with WPRS engineering.

Next summer, FIU-ARC plans to demonstrate three new technologies developed by FIU at Hanford’s Cold Test Facilities.

Pictured: The test setup at Cold Test Facility (CTF) for the lateral gamma scanner that was designed, built, and tested by Florida International University (FIU). The lateral gamma scanner was developed to verify continued integrity in the single-shell tank farms.

Pictured: The test setup at Cold Test Facility (CTF) for the lateral gamma scanner that was designed, built, and tested by Florida International University (FIU). The lateral gamma scanner was developed to verify continued integrity in the single-shell tank farms.

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