“Savannah River National Lab: Underpinning Critical National Missions” by Dr. Jeffrey (Jeff) C. Griffin
July 28, 2016 | 1:00 PM | MMC AHC4 Room 302
Dr. Jeffrey (Jeff) C. Griffin is the Associate Laboratory Director for Environmental Stewardship at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), operated for the Department of Energy (DOE) by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC. In this position, he is responsible for the management, growth and development of the SRNL research and development portfolio for Environmental Stewardship, an $80+ million portfolio covering national and international programs, primarily for DOE’s Office of Environmental Management.
He joined SRNL in 1987 and has served in positions of increasing responsibility, primarily in the areas of high-level waste processing, radiochemistry, analytical chemistry, and nuclear materials measurement.
Dr. Griffin’s Directorate provides strategic support to DOE Headquarters Office of Environmental Management and also provides key technical support to environmental restoration and waste management programs, not only at the Savannah River Site, but also at other DOE sites and international areas of concern. The Directorate maintains core competencies in chemical process development; radioactive waste characterization and treatment technology; materials development and analysis; modeling; remediation technologies and strategies; and, remote systems and robotics. Dr. Griffin has made numerous visits to Japan in his role as managing director for SRNL support to the remediation efforts in and around the Fukushima Daiichi Power Station.
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