Florida International University’s Applied Research Center was instrumental in placing a total of twenty seven (27) FIU Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math (STEM) students who are spending their summer participating in internships across the US. These internship opportunities are provided as part of several initiatives between FIU’s Applied Research Center (FIU-ARC), federal agencies and major government contractors partners. This summer, six (6) FIU STEM students were selected for Cyber Security research internships sponsored by the Department of Defense (DOD). This agreement includes four internships at the Point Mugu Naval base in Southern California and two internships at Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta (GTRI). These six internships were made possible under an agreement between FIU’s Applied Research Center (ARC) and DOD’s Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), the agency that oversees DOD’s test infrastructure and invests in technologies to test new military equipment (from fighter aircraft to computers) before they are deployed and used in the field.
Also, a total of fifteen (15) FIU STEM students are working this summer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, in Titusville, Florida. The internships are made possible under an agreement between FIU-ARC and the Science Application International Corporation (SAIC). These students are supporting SAIC’s NASA Kennedy LX Support (KLXS) contract and are working on technical issues under the Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) program for the develop of the next NASA human exploration capability. This FIU-ARC/SAIC program has been in place since 2009 and a total of 43 FIU STEM students have spent their summer at KSC and Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas.
Finally, a total of six (6) FIU STEM DOE Fellow students are participating in summer internships across the DOE Complex across the country, including DOE Headquarters in Washington, DC, DOE’s Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) in Aiken, South Carolina, and DOE’s Hanford Site in Richland, Washington State. The Fellows are conducting applied research in support of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) environmental restoration mission due to seven decades of nuclear research, development, and production in the US. These internships are part of a long lasting Cooperative Agreement between DOE-EM and FIU-ARC. The selected students are formally inducted as DOE Fellows and support the on-going environmental research being conducted at the Applied Research Center (http://fellows.fiu.edu ). As of summer 2013, a total of 81 internships have been completed as part of this program.
For additional information on these internships or programs, please contact Dr. Leonel E. Lagos at (305) 348-1810 or via email at LagosL@fiu.edu.