August 31, 2017 | 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm | EC Room 2300
Today worldwide, one of the main factors to contribute to the development of quality of life in both developing and developed metropolitan cities and urban/rural areas, is the advancing of sustainable waste management and waste to energy. The education of policy/decision makers, governmental authorities, public & private sector (local industry) is crucial in order to inform the local society how to divert illegal dumping of municipal solid waste, which causes adverse effects in human health and daily life due to underground water and air pollution. Worldwide, around 1.4 billion tons of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are produced annually. An estimated 250 million tons of MSW worldwide are treated thermally in approximately 2,000 Waste To Energy (WTE) plants to produce electricity, heating and cooling. This relevant global industry is rapidly growing. An estimated 350 WTE facilities were built, during the first 1.5 decades of the 21st century, mostly in Europe and East Asia. In China, 250 WTE plants already operate and another 260 plants are under construction. WTE is one of the most stringently regulated and controlled industrial activities and achieves very low emissions compared to other industrial sources. It is together with recycling, complimentary to treat waste that could not be avoided and to divert waste from illegal dumpsites and landfills. With the current state-of-the-art newly built WTE plants in all continents, the NIMBY syndrome (Not in My Back Yard) will be replaced by PIMBY (Please in My Back Yard).
Dr. Efstratios Kalogirou obtained his Ph.D. from the National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering. He is the co-founder and first Vice Chair of Global WTERT Council, headquartered in the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University ( He is a permanent member of the International Solid Waste Association Working Group on Energy Recovery,, and author of a recently released book: Waste-to-Energy technologies and Global Applications.
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