Research Areas and Capabilities
Adhesive bonding of composite structures
- Evaluation of short term bond strength and long term durability
- Effects of contamination, process to mitigate
- Failure modes
- Surface characterization – AFM, contact angle measurements, FTIR
- Health monitoring of adhesive bonds
Use of magneto-electric nanoparticles to non-invasively interrogate bonds
- Correlate changes in chemistry of adhesive with changes in magnetic field signatures – typically hysteresis loops
- Ben Boesl – Mechanical and Materials Engineering
- Sakhrat Khizroev – Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Exponent Inc.
- Boeing
- Embraer
- 3M
- Scanning Electron Microscope (AMERI)
- Atomic Force Microscope
- FTIR (Wang)
- Environmental Chamber
- High Temperature Autoclave (300 PSI/800F)
- Water Jet
- Alternating Gradient Magnetometer (Khizroev)
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (Khizroev)
- Zhou, J. Zhou, Z. Wang, D. McDaniel, W. Zhang and R. Burton, “Identification and Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods for Detecting Composite Surface Contamination and Moisture – Solid-State Electrochemical Sensor Study", ECS Transactions, 19 (22) 7-18 (2009).
- Musaramthota, B. Boesl, N. Munroe, D. McDaniel, “Multi-scale Fracture of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints with Undesirable Bonding Conditions”, Composites Structures, accepted 8/16.
- Zhou, D. McDaniel, and R. Burton, “Identification and Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods for Detecting Composite Surface Contamination and Moisture”, Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 5th Annual Technical Meeting, Wichita, KA, July 21-22, 2009.
- Persaud, D. McDaniel, R. Guduru, T. Pribanic, R. Burton and X. Zhou, “Experimental Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods for Detecting Contaminants on Composite Surfaces”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), Seattle, WA, May 17-20, 2010.
- Pribanic, K. Wu, D. McDaniel, R. Burton, “Crack Development in Cyclically Loaded Pressurized Cylindrical Carbon Fiber Shell Structures”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), Seattle, WA, May 17-20, 2010.
- McDaniel, R. Guduru, T. Pribanic, R. Burton, X. Zhou, Z. Wang and J. Zhou, “Identification and Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods for Detecting Composite Surface Contamination and Moisture”, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 6th Annual Technical Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 19-20, 2010.
- Guduru, D. Carvajal, Y. Katsenovich, L. Lagos, D. McDaniel, and C. Li, “Investigation of Effect of Uranium Microbial Surface Using Atomic Force Microscopy”, Proceedings the of Waste Management Symposia 2011, Phoenix, AZ, March 2011.
- McDaniel, T. Pribanic, R. Guduru, X. Zhou and Z. Wang, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity and Durability”, Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 7th Annual Technical Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 20-21, 2011.
- McDaniel, T. Pribanic, R. Guduru, L. Elaadil, X. Zhou and Z. Wang, “Experimental Validation of Analytical Chemistry Methods to Evaluate the Effects of Peel-Plies on Bonded Composite Surfaces”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), Long Beach, CA, May 23-26, 2011.
- Pribanic, D. McDaniel, V. Musaramthota, X. Zhou, J. Zhou and S. Cai, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity and Durability”, Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 8th Annual Technical Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 5, 2012.
- Pribanic, D. McDaniel, V Musaramthota, L. Sanchez, N. Munroe, X. Zhou, J. Zhou and S. Cai, “Development of a Durability Test Procedure for Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), Baltimore, MD, May 21-24, 2012.
- Musaramthota, T. Pribanic, D. McDaniel, X. Zhou, J. Zhou and Z. Wang, S. Cai, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity and Durability”, Proceedings of the 2013 Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 9th Annual Technical Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 9-10, 2013.
- Musaramthota, T. Pribanic, D. McDaniel, N. Munroe, X. Zhou, J. Zhou and S. Cai, “A Study on the Contamination Effects and Durability Assessment of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints”, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), Wichita, Kansas, Oct 22-24, 2013.
- Musaramthota, T. Pribanic, D. McDaniel and X. Zhou, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity and Durability”, Proceedings of the 2014 FAA Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 10th Annual Technical Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 25-26, 2014.
- Musaramthota, T. Pribanic, D. McDaniel and X. Zhou, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Composite Bond Integrity and Durability”, Proceedings of the 2015 FAA Joint Advanced Materials Structures Center of Excellence 11th Annual Technical Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 31- April 1, 2015.
- Musaramthota, D. McDaniel and B. Boesl, “Fracture Behavior on Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints with Undesirable Bonding Conditions: A Multiscale Approach”, SAMPE 2016, Long Beach, CA, May 23-26, 2016.
- Yang, D. Watring, J. Coria, P. Wang, B. Boesl, S. Khizroev and D. McDaniel, “ Assessment of Fracture Properties of MENs Doped Multifunctional Adhesives,“ SAMPE 2016, Long Beach, CA, May 23-26, 2016.
- Watring, K. Zhou, J. Coria, B. Boesl, K. S. Khizroev and D. McDaniel, “Development of a Novel Health Monitoring System for Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Using Magneto-Electric Nanoparticles”, 12th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems (DURACOSYS), Arlington, TX, June 12-15, 2016.
- Watring, K. Yang, J. Coria, B. Boesl, D. McDaniel and S. Khizroev, “Development of a Novel Health Monitoring System for Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Using Magneto-Electric Nanoparticles,” 31st ASC Technical Conference, Williamsburg, VA, September 19-22, 2016.