Green & Sustainable Technologies

FIU is researching ways to improve technologies to use less electrical energy and natural resources in production and in operations while reducing waste and pollution. FIU’s ARC is developing Green Buildings by improving technologies for heating and cooling buildings, a major source of energy usage in buildings. Improvements in heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) is one area of research.  Another area is sustainable remediation which seeks to lower the Green House Gas footprint of operations while also reducing electrical energy use and other resources.

Sustainable Energy

Research Areas and Capabilities

  • HVAC Technology

    • Energy savings by chiller plant optimization
    • Human Occupancy based sensor system development for use in green buildings
    • Multi-objective optimization algorithms for system level integration and control in HVAC systems

HVAC Technology

Increased emphasis on energy efficient solutions leads to the development of better and optimal ways of using energy. The Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is one of the major power/energy consuming units in buildings in the United States and worldwide. Depending on the type of facility, a chiller plant can consume electricity ranging from 10% to 50% of the total energy consumption. Hence, even a small amount of savings in energy would result in large savings in cost. Also, most of the chiller plants are not optimized.

Research Scientists at FIU-ARC are developing technologies to maximize energy savings from chiller plants by generating optimal peak performance characteristics in real-time. In addition, technologies resulting from human occupancy models and response surface based models for integration with the HVAC optimization technology are also being investigated.

Integrated building energy savings technology

Integrated building energy savings technology


Sustainable remediation

FIU has worked with the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management in developing a primer for green and sustainable remediation.  In addition, FIU collaborated with the Savannah River National Laboratory on applying the principles of green and sustainable remediation to the groundwater remediation system at Savannah River site’s A & M Areas.  See the fact sheet below for more information on this research effort.


Aravelli, A., Rao, S. S., "Energy Optimization in Chiller Plants: A Novel Formulation and Solution using a Hybrid Optimization Technique", Engineering Optimization Journal, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 1187-1203, 2013.

Aravelli, A., Rao, S. S., Adluru, H. K., "Design Optimization of Micro-channel Heat Exchanger embedded in LTCC", Proceedings of 2012 of the 45th International Symposium on Microelectronics, IMAPS, San Diego, Sep. 2012 (Best paper in Session).

Aravelli, A., Rao, S. S., Adluru, H. K., "Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Micro-Channel Cooling System using High Performance Thermal Vias in LTCC Substrates", Journal of Micro-Electronics and Electronic Packaging, Vol. 10, pp. 40-47, 2013.

Aravelli, A., McDaniel, D., Abrahao, A., Awwad, A. and C. Davila, “Thermal Measurement and Modeling of Nuclear Waste in the Double Shell Tanks at Hanford Nuclear Waste Site Using Miniature Sensors,” International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society 2016, Pasadena, CA, October, 2016.


In-situ optimization of chilled water plants

US 20140229146 A1

Inventors: Igor F. Gonzalez, Hari Kishore Adluru, Aparna Aravelli

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Dr. Aparna Aravelli
Research Associate II
Applied Research Center at
Florida International University

10555 W Flagler Street
Suite 2100
Miami, FL 33174
Tel: 305-348-8219
Fax: 305-348-2309

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