Dave Roelant, Associate Director of Research
Dr. David Roelant is currently the Director of FIU’s Interdisciplinary Nuclear Research Program (INRP) at Florida International University’s (FIU’s) Applied Research Center (ARC). Dr. Roelant has been actively engaged in performing, leading or managing over 400 projects and over $200M of environmental, defense technology, energy, and nuclear research since 1978 (37 years).
Dr. Roelant received 2 B.S. and 2 M.S. degrees in Applied Math, Nuclear Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan. He has worked for academia, industry, government contractors, and at Argonne and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. He has also had contracts or been invited to perform research at Harry Diamond Lab (US Army), Naval Research Lab, and the Carderock Naval Surface Warfare Center.
He specializes in environmental sensors & characterization; radar, sonar, electrical resistance tomography, and many other sensors and imaging modalities; radioactive waste characterization; characterization of contaminated facilities; MARSSIMS; characterization and modeling of soil and groundwater at contaminated sites; radiation detection & measurement; modeling radiation transport; health physics; nuclear chemistry, forensics, engineering and medicine; radiology (PET, SPRINT, MRI, CAT); modeling of high intensity, laser radiation interaction with matter for inertial confinement nuclear fusion by coupling radiation transport, ionization dynamics, and plasma hydrodynamics models.
Since coming to FIU in 1999, Dr. Roelant has been PI on over $50M of research from the US Dept. of Energy (DOE), US Dept. of Defense (DoD: Army, Air Force, Navy, & DARPA), EPA, US companies, and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He has led the following research groups at FIU: Sensors, Military Technology, Environmental Science and Technology and Nuclear. He has been a member of several DOE and DoD expert technical panels and groups (Sensors, Remote Sensing, Radioactive Waste Characterization, Site Characterization, Environmental Technology for Radioactively Contaminated Sites, etc.). As a recognized expert he has reviewed over 150 proposals for DOE and DoD.
Dr. Roelant is Director of FIU’s Interdisciplinary Nuclear Research Program whose mission is to transform $4.5M of current specialized