
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Power

Radiochemistry and Nuclear Power

Nuclear research and education was launched in 1990 at FIU.  Since 2014 FIU has developed a Radiochemistry PhD track launched in Aug. 2015 and a Health Physics Specialty under the BS in Physics launched in Aug. 2016. Over this period, many new faculty, staff and students have engaged in nuclear related R&D. Presently over 110 faculty and staff and 75 students are active in nuclear research. -BREAK- Capabilities and Research Areas:…

11 years ago...

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Dr. George Philippidis speaks about algae on Colombian National Radio

Dr. George Philippidis speaks about algae on Colombian National Radio

On October 28, 2009 Dr. George Philippidis was a guest of reporter Hernan Restrepo on the Colombian National Radio.

15 years ago...

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