
FIU Participation at the Waste Management 2014 Conference

FIU Participation at the Waste Management 2014 Conference

The Applied Research Center (ARC) at Florida International University (FIU) will be attending and making technical presentations at the upcoming Waste Management 2014 Conference (WM14) in Phoenix, Arizona, from March 2 – 6, 2014. Seven (7) professional oral and poster presentations will be given based on the applied research being conducted by ARC on behalf of DOE-EM in major areas of research: 1) High Level Waste, 2) Soil and Groundwater…

11 years ago...

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DOE Fellows and ARC Staff Participate in the Department of Energy’s 2009 Waste Management Conference

DOE Fellows and ARC Staff Participate in the Department of Energy’s 2009 Waste Management Conference

FIU’s DOE Fellows participated in last week’s 2009 Waste Management Symposia in Phoenix, AZ. The Waste Management Symposia is one of the biggest conferences sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the American Nuclear Society every year.  A total of 17 FIU students (16 DOE Fellows and one Ph.D candidate student) participated in this year’s Waste Management Symposia and 14 of them presented their research at the Student Poster…

16 years ago...

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