
Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of FIU’s Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor (SLIM) for Estimating the Onset of Deep Sludge Gas Release Events

Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of FIU’s Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor (SLIM) for Estimating the Onset of Deep Sludge Gas Release Events

Sponsor – DOE The ability to monitor the interface between liquids containing suspended solids and settled solids in HLW tanks has multiple, important applications at Hanford including: Measurement of the height of HLW solids added to double-shelled tanks to ensure it is below the critical value determined from a safety basis; Imaging in single-shelled tanks to support pump emplacement to minimize plugging potential; Rapid imaging of the floors of mixing,…

9 years ago...

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Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of Nonmetallic Components in the Hanford Waste Transfer System (WTS)

Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of Nonmetallic Components in the Hanford Waste Transfer System (WTS)

Sponsor – DOE Nonmetallic materials are used in U.S. DOE’s Hanford Site Tank Farm WTS and include the inner primary hoses in the hose-in-hose transfer lines (HIHTLs), Garlock® gaskets, ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) O-rings, and other nonmetallic materials. These nonmetallic materials are exposed to β and γ irradiation, caustic solutions as well as high temperatures and pressure stressors. How the nonmetallic components react to each of these stressors individually…

9 years ago...

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