Florida International University (FIU) is looking for corporate partners for a new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded project called Mission-to-Market (MTM).
The goal of the program is to create and develop tech transfer and economic development, tech venture courses and entrepreneurship, Led by the Applied Research Center and in collaboration with Startup FIU.
The objective is to enhance FIU’s innovation ecosystem with DOE technologies, industry partnerships, a robust capital continuum, and a high technology entrepreneurial culture.
In each way of partnering with the program, we offer the following benefits or interests for the company:
- Technology Venture Courses: The courses will solve technical and business problems Presented in the particular interest of your company using FIU students over the course of one academic year or semester.
- MTM Inclusive Business Accelerator: Use of patented technologies from DOE Labs, start up and existing businesses will partner with FIU and DOE to accelerate their ventures through technology transfer. As part of the project, FIU’s innovation ecosystem is assessed and developed to accelerate innovation based economic development. The objective is to enhance FIU’s innovation ecosystem with DOE technologies, industry partnerships, a robust capital continuum, and a high technology entrepreneurial culture.
Let’s partner!
- Looking for industry partners with interests in data science & cyber security, life sciences, aerospace & defense, or energy.
- For 2018-2019, looking for industry partners on:
- MTM Business Incubator & Accelerator (Launching January 2019)
- MTM Tech Venture Course (Launch in 2019)
- MTM Cooperative Research and Development
Some background and history
About the U.S. Department of Energy:
The mission of the Energy Department (DOE) is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. Although only in existence since 1977, the DOE traces its lineage to the Manhattan Project effort to develop the atomic bomb during World War II, and to the various energy-related programs that previously had been dispersed throughout various Federal agencies. Through DOE’s 17 National Laboratories, a world class system for science, and technology development is maintained. Currently, there are more than 23,000 patented technologies available for public benefit and utilization.
Dr. Walter E. Massey Entrepreneurial Fellowship
Walter E. Massey embodies the traits of STEM expertise, innovation and entrepreneurial acumen that Mission to Market (M2M) fellows will cultivate. Dr. Massey is an advocate and champion of technology transfer in national and internal settings.
Highlights of his bio:
- Massey has held a range of administrative and academic positions. He is former director of the National Science Foundation, a position to which he was appointed by former President George H.W. Bush. Massey also served as vice president for research and professor of physics at the University of Chicago, as director of the Argonne National Laboratory, dean of the College and professor of physics at Brown University and as assistant professor of physics at the University of Illinois.
- Immediately prior to serving as President of Morehouse College, Massey was provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of California. In this position, the second most senior position in the UC system, he was responsible for academic and research planning and policy, budget planning and allocations, and programmatic oversight of the three national laboratories the University manages for the Department of Energy: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
- 55,000 Students (63% Hispanic and 12% African-American)
- FIU is No. 1 in the nation in awarding bachelor's and master's degrees to Hispanic students.
- FIU is 1 in producing Hispanic Engineering Majors (STEM) 2016 ranking
- DOE has 23,000 patented technologies available for utilization.
- The federal government has more than 100,000 patented technologies available.
- Each year, trillions of dollars of underutilized patents are untapped by U.S. innovators and businesses.
- Less than 5% of venture capital goes to Hispanic, African-American, or women founded companies.
- 1% of tech companies are founded by African-Americans.