
Artificial Intelligence for EM Problem Set (Soil and Groundwater) – Machine Learning Modeling to Identify Temporal and Spatial Relationships between Inland and Shoreline Hexavalent Chromium [Cr(VI)] Concentrations in 100 Areas

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is one of the primary contaminants in the 100 Areas at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Hanford Site. Various cleanup efforts are ongoing to remediate this waste site since the late 1990s. To estimate the effects of these cleanup efforts and plan future cleanup actions, it is necessary to analyze Cr(VI) dynamics in the groundwater and surface water. The monitoring data available for groundwater wells and…

3 years ago...

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Environmental Remediation Technologies: Sustainability Plan for the A/M Area Groundwater Remediation System

 Version 1.0.0  87 View(s)  1413 Download(s)  446.63 KBDownload

8 years ago...

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Environmental Remediation Science & Technology: Surface Water Modeling of Tims Branch

 Version 1.0.0  148 View(s)  1583 Download(s)  527.08 KBDownload

8 years ago...

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Environmental Remediation Science & Technology: Remediation Research and Technical Support for Savannah River Site

 Version 1.0.0  165 View(s)  1625 Download(s)  509.73 KBDownload

8 years ago...

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Rapid Deployment of Engineered Solutions to Environmental Problems: Investigation of Microbial-Meta-Autunite Interactions – Effect of Bicarbonate and Calcium

 Version 1.0.0  81 View(s)  1301 Download(s)  409.24 KBDownload

8 years ago...

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Environmental Remediation Science & Technology: Sequestering Uranium at the Hanford 200 Area Vadose Zone by In Situ Subsurface pH Manipulation Using NH3 Gas

 Version 1.0.0  70 View(s)  1467 Download(s)  462.08 KBDownload

8 years ago...

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Rapid Deployment of Engineered Solutions for Environmental Problems at Hanford – FIU’s Support for Uranium Remediation at the Hanford Site

Uranium has been recognized as one of the most widespread groundwater contaminants at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Hanford site, Washington State. In oxidized groundwater conditions that are typically present at the Hanford site, soluble uranyl ion (UO22+) creates strong complexes with carbonate and Ca2UO2(CO3)3o and UO2(CO3)22- are the predominant U(VI) aqueous species. The concentration of uranium exceeds the maximum contaminant level for drinking water of 30 μg/L required…

11 years ago...

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Effects of Bicarbonate on the Microbial Dissolution of Meta-Autunite

Injections of a soluble sodium tripolyphosphate amendment into uranium-contaminated groundwater and soil have been shown to effectively sequester uranium through the formation of insoluble uranyl phosphate minerals. Polyphosphate undergoes hydrolysis in aqueous solutions to orthophosphate forms, which serve as readily available nutrients for the various micro-organisms that thrive under these specific conditions and may even lead to an increase in their growth. Microbial activities in many environmental systems are additional…

11 years ago...

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Sequestering Uranium at the Hanford 200 Area Vadose Zone by in Situ Subsurface pH Manipulation Using NH3

Characterization of vadose zone (VZ) soil at the 200 Area has identified a number of radiological and hazardous contaminants, including technetium and uranium. This work is focusing on long-lived uranium contamination, which is one of the key contaminants of concern that needs to be reduced to below levels that can cause harm to human health and the environment. Injection of reactive gases such as NH3, is an innovative remediation technology…

11 years ago...

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