
Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of FIU’s Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor (SLIM) for Estimating the Onset of Deep Sludge Gas Release Events

 Version 1.0.0  102 View(s)  1367 Download(s)  617.83 KBDownload

9 years ago...

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Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste: Evaluation of Nonmetallic Components in the Hanford Waste Transfer System (WTS)

 Version 1.0.0  116 View(s)  1416 Download(s)  594.50 KBDownload

9 years ago...

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Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Model for Multiphase Flows in Three Dimensions

The production of plutonium at DOE’s Hanford Site during the cold war has resulted in millions of gallons of radioactive waste stored in various sites across the U.S. The waste exists in the liquid and solid form and kept in underground tanks some of which have been detected to leak due to the mechanical degradation and aging of the tank walls. The waste is being transferred to double shell tanks…

11 years ago...

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Advanced In-situ Instrumentation for HLW Tank Mixing and Retrieval

As the DOE’s Hanford site begins preparations for the transfer of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) from the double-shell tank s (DST) to the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP), the influence of waste feed consistency on the waste stabilization process – and final stabilized waste form – is currently under analysis. In order to characterize feed consistency prior to transfer, a suite of instrumentation will be required to monitor the…

11 years ago...

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Design and Development of Innovative High-Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies (Peristaltic Crawler)

The U.S. DOE Hanford site has the largest number of High-Level Waste (HLW) storage tanks and the largest volume of HLW in the United States. The safe storage, retrieval, treatment, and disposal of approximately 53 million gallons of highly toxic, high-level radioactive waste stored in Hanford’s 177 underground tanks are a national priority. Pipeline plugging has been cited as one of the major issues at can result in unplanned outages…

11 years ago...

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Design and Development of Innovative High-Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies (Asynchronous Pulsing)

Availability of pipeline unplugging technologies is critical to the effort of cross-site HLW transfers through pipelines. In the past,some of the pipelines have plugged resulting in schedule delays and increased costs. Furthermore, pipeline plugging has been cited as one of the major issues that can result in unplanned outages at the Hanford WTP, causing inconsistent operation. Currently, there are no unplugging technologies qualified to be deployed at the sites should…

11 years ago...

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Chemical Process Alternatives for Radioactive Waste

This project focuses on supporting DOE HQ (EM-21) in the area of tank waste mixing, processing and management. This work is relevant to HLW activities being carried out at DOE sites located at Hanford, Savannah River, and Idaho.  Version 1.0.0  134 View(s)  761 Download(s)  127.25 KBDownload

11 years ago...

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