Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Increasing concentrations of heavy metals and radionuclides in the global environment require a focus on contaminant fate, transport, and persistence in soils and groundwater. The Applied Research Center (ARC) at Florida International University (FIU) carries out research and development of applications with a focus on soil and groundwater remediation. For the last twenty years ARC has developed programs and trained outstanding engineers and scientists to conduct advanced and applied research in areas that are vital to national and international needs in the areas of environmental engineering and soil and groundwater remediation. ARC’s projects incorporate biogeochemical cycling, fate and transport of contaminants, and water and wastewater treatment. Researchers use data for testing, evaluation, and validation for new and innovative technologies to support DOE and industry.

Research Areas and Capabilities

  • Synthesized autunite particles under Scanning Electron Microscopy

    Synthesized autunite particles under Scanning Electron Microscopy

    Development and testing of innovative remediation technologies (both in situ and ex situ) for heavy metals, actinides, and Tc

  • Laboratory-scale investigations of the fate and transport of radionuclides (Actinides, Tc) including batch and column methodologies as well as ligand, colloid and microbial effects
  • Monitoring of heavy metals, radionuclides and organic contaminants in soil, plant and aquatic systems
  • Technology development and performance evaluation of biological ponds and constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and natural water purification
  • Determination of heavy metals and radionuclides in aqueous matrices by means of spectroscopic and radioanalytical techniques
  • Geochemical speciation modelling of heavy metals and radionuclides
  • Characterization of surface morphology, properties and structural analysis of environmental solids by means of microscopy, spectroscopy and potentiometric titrations


  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Savannah River National Laboratory
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center
  • University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • FIU departments: Department of Earth and Environment, Department of Chemistry and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Emerson, H.P., Di Pietro, S. and Katsenovich, Y. (2016) Effects of Ammonium on Uranium Partitioning and Kaolinite Mineral Dissolution. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Submitted.

Katsenovich,Y., Cardona, C., Lapierre, R., Szecsody J., Lagos L., (2016) The Effect of Si and Al Concentrations on the Removal of U(VI) in the Alkaline Conditions Created by NH3 Gas. Applied Geochemistry. Accepted.

Sepulveda-Medina, P., Katsenovich, Y., Musaramthota, V., Lee, M., Lee, B., Dua, R., Lagos, L., 2015. The Effect of Uranium on the Bacterial Viability and Cell Surface Morphology Using Atomic Force Microscopy in the Presence of Bicarbonate Ions. Research in Microbiology, 166, 419-427

Sepulveda-Medina, P., Katsenovich, Y., Wellman, D., Lagos, L. 2015. The Effect of Bicarbonate on the Microbial Dissolution of Autunite Mineral in the Presence of Gram-Positive Bacteria. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 144,77-85.

Gudavalli, R.P., Katsenovich, Y., Wellman, D., Lagos, L., and B. Tansel, 2013. Quantification of kinetic rate law parameters for the dissolution of sodium meta-autunite as a function of aqueous bicarbonate concentration, Environmental Chemistry, 10, 6, p. 475-485

Gudavalli, R.P., Katsenovich, Y., Wellman, D., Idarraga, M., Lagos, L., and B. Tansel, 2013. Comparison of the kinetic rate law parameters for the dissolution of natural and synthetic autunite in the presence of bicarbonate ions. Chemical Geology, 351, p. 299–309.

Katsenovich, Y., Carvajal, D., Guduru, R., Lagos, L., 2013. Assessment of the resistance of Hanford Site Arthrobacter isolates to uranium (VI) exposure. Geomicrobiology Journal, 30:2, 120-130.

Carvajal, D. A., Katsenovich, Y.P., Lagos, E.L, 2012. The effect of aqueous bicarbonate and calcium ions on uranium biosorption by Arthrobacter G975 strain. Chemical Geology, 330-331, pp.51–59.

Katsenovich, Y. P., Carvajal, D.A., Wellman, D.M., Lagos, E.L., 2012. Enhanced U(VI) release from autunite mineral by aerobic Arthrobacter sp. in the presence of aqueous bicarbonate. Chemical Geology, 308–309, 1–9.

Öztürk, Z., Tansel, B., Katsenovich, Y., Sukop, M., and S. Laha, 2012. Highly organic natural media as permeable reactive barriers: TCE partitioning and anaerobic degradation profile in eucalyptus mulch and compost. Chemosphere, 89, 6, pp. 665-671.

Trivalent f-metal coordination and extraction by tripodal sulfonamide ligands and analogs, Evgen V. Govor, Vasileios A. Anagnostopoulos, Alexander N. Morozov, Alexander M. Mebel, Raphael G. Raptis, Konstantinos Kavallieratos. American Chemical Society Spring 2017 Meeting

“Investigation of NH3(g) Treatment for the Immobilization of Uranium in the Presence of Pure Minerals,” Hilary P. Emerson, Silvina Di Pietro, and Yelena Katsenovich, American Chemical Society Fall 2016 Meeting.

“Sodium silicate treatment to attenuate uranium mobility in the acidic groundwater plumes”, Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, Alejandro Hernandez, Christine Wipfli, Yelena Katsenovich, Miles Denham. American Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2016.

“Training tomorrow’s chemists in Florida International University, the largest public Hispanic serving institution” Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, Leonel Lagos, Ines Triay. American Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2016.

Lapierre R, Katsenovich Y, Lagos, L. Characterization of U(VI)-Bearing Precipitates Produced by Ammonia Gas Injection Technology. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 2016.

Herrera-Landaez, S, Anagnostopoulos, VA., Katsenovich, YP., Lee, B., Lee, H., and Shonali Laha, 2016. The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 2016.

“Training the 21st Century Nuclear Workforce at South Florida’s Public Research University,” David Roelant, Konstantinos Kavallieratos, Hilary Emerson. Radiobioassay and Radiochemical Measurements Conference, October 2015.

Gonzalez, H, Katsenovich Y, Denham M, Gudavalli R, Lagos L, 2015. The Influence of Humic Acid and Colloidal Silica on the Sorption of U(VI) onto SRS Sediments Collected from the F/H Area. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, March 15 - 19, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Katsenovich, Y.P., Cardona, C., Lagos, L.E, 2014. The Effect of Ca Ions on the Removal of U(VI) via In-Situ Ammonia Gas Injection at the Hanford Site 200 Area. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, March 2 – 6, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Gudavalli, R.K., Katsenovich, Y.P., Lagos, L.E, Wellman, D., 2014. Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, March 2 – 6, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Gudavalli, R.K., Katsenovich, Y.P., Wellman, D., Lagos, L.E. and B.Tansel. Dissolution of sodium autunite in the presence of bicarbonate ions, ICOBTE 2013, abstract 0220-000320.

Sepúlveda, P., Katsenovich, Y., and L. Lagos, 2013. Investigation on Microbial Dissolution of Uranium (VI) from Autunite Mineral. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, February 24 – 28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Katsenovich, Y., Gonzalez, N., Moreno-Pastor, C., Lagos, L., 2012. The Effect of Si and Al Concentration Ratios on the Removal of U(VI) under Hanford Site 200 Area Conditions. In the proceeding of the Waste Management Conference, Feb 26 –March 2, 2012, Phoenix, AZ.




  • Elemental Analysis

    • Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
    • Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA)
    • Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC-VCS)

  • General Spectrometry

    • Ultra violet – visible Spectrometer (UV-vis)

  • Microscopy

    • Optical Microscope

  • General Infrastructure

    • Incubators (Culture & BOD)
    • Refrigerated shaker & Portable Platform shaker
    • Laminar flow benches
    • Centrifuge
    • Standard drying & Isotemp ovens
    • Anaerobic glovebox
    • Glovebox with self-contained exhaust gas treatment units
    • Analytical Balances
    • Freezers (-20 & -80oC)
    • Reverse osmosis (UV/UF) ultrapure water system
    • Yamato Top-loading sterilizer



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Dr. Yelena Katsenovich
Sr. Research Scientist
Applied Research Center at
Florida International University

10555 W. Flagler Street
Suite 2100
Miami, FL 33174
Tel: 305-348-2338
Fax: 305-348-2309

Dr. Ravi Gudavalli
Sr. Research Scientist
Applied Research Center at
Florida International University

10555 W. Flagler Street
Suite 2100
Miami, FL 33174
Tel: 305-348-7207
Fax: 305-348-2309

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